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ESG and changes to the modern slavery regulation - are you ready?

Insights - 4th November 2021

With changes due the Modern Slavery Act, don't let it fall down your ESG agenda.

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The beginning of the end of the furlough scheme – what next?

Insights - 3rd November 2021

What do employers do if there is no current work for employees but there may be in the future?

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Sole representative of an overseas business visa

Insights - 1st November 2021

Find out what you need to do when applying as a sole representative of an overseas company.

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Intellectual property: our villain or saviour from climate change?

Insights - 28th October 2021

What role can IP play in the race to save the planet from irreversible climate change?

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Trade Union Inducements and Collective Bargaining – the Supreme Court decides

Insights - 28th October 2021

The Act has been getting considerable traction by the trade union movement in recent years.

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Menopause in the workplace: making small changes to support your star players

Insights - 18th October 2021

Productivity and talent is being lost because of lack of understanding and support.

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Greenpeace loses Vorlich appeal

Insights - 15th October 2021

Greenpeace has lost its case against the UK government in relation to the Vorlich site.

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Greenpeace Appeal – Key Takeaways for Upstream Oil and Gas Operators

Insights - 15th October 2021

Greenpeace has lost its appeal against the UK government to drill for oil at a North Sea site.

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