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Land Value Capture, Infrastructure Levy and Compulsory Purchase – The Three Musketeers?

Insights - 15th September 2021

We look at why developers will need to consider all three work streams when considering one alone.

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Inaugural Theresa Hunt Prize in Excellence awarded to exceptional law student

News - 9th September 2021

A student of law at the University of Aberdeen has received the prize in memory of Theresa Hunt.

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The Hydrogen Opportunity

Insights - 1st April 2021

The Scottish Government highlighted the opportunity for Scotland to be a leading hydrogen nation.

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Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill – Expansion and Efficiencies

Insights - 1st April 2021

Scotland will be the first country in the UK to legislate on the development of heat networks.

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20 minute neighbourhoods – where are we now?

Insights - 31st March 2021

Housing to 2040 and what it means for the delivery of 20 Minute Neighbourhoods.

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Planning Reform in Scotland – an update

Insights - 19th March 2021

How will the planning reform affect the renewables sector?

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