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Top 10 ways legal procurement challenges in Scotland differ from England

Insights - 6th December 2021

There are a number of key differences in legal practice and procedure compared with England.

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Greenpeace loses Vorlich appeal

Insights - 15th October 2021

Greenpeace has lost its case against the UK government in relation to the Vorlich site.

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The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry: 5 years and 5 case studies in, where next?

Insights - 23rd September 2021

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry opened in October 2015, with an initial term of four years.

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Lessons and Answers? - A quick guide to Covid-19 response inquiries

Insights - 15th May 2021

There will be a UK Public Inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic and what lessons can be learned.

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Judicial Reviews & Covid-19: Not very hospitable

Insights - 7th May 2021

Challenging the UK Governments decision to delay re-opening indoor hospitality.

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Challenging the fairness of government decision-making in light of COVID-19

Insights - 7th July 2020

In response to COVID-19, a swathe of legislative and policy changes were made to protect the public.

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