Update: The 2nd ballot of The India Young Professional Visa Scheme opens on the 25th July 2023 and will close on 27th July 2023. Read more here.

In November 2022, the UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the planned introduction of The India Young Professional Visa scheme, which opens on Tuesday 28th February 2023 at 8.30am GMT and closes on Thursday 2nd March 2023 at 8.30am GMT.

The scheme is part of the planned increased collaboration between India and the United Kingdom through their free trade agreement currently being negotiated, and it aims to bring up to 3,000 Indian nationals to the UK each year. There are 2,400 visas in this initial ballot, with a further ballot expected in July. Those granted the visa will be able to live and work in the UK for up to 2 years. It will not be extended.

Only if a person is successful in the ballot process will they then be able to apply for a visa within 30 days of being notified of the outcome of the ballot.

The results of the ballot are final and there is no right of appeal if an application is unsuccessful.

To be eligible for the India Young Professional Scheme visa an applicant must be:

  • an Indian national or citizen between 18 and 30 years old on the date they plan to travel to the UK;
  • have a qualification at bachelor’s degree level or above;
  • have £2,530 in savings to support themselves in the UK; and
  • not have any children under the age of 18 who live with the applicant or for whom they are financially responsible.

The scheme will work in two stages: the ballot stage and the visa application stage.

Stage 1: The ballot stage

The applicant must first submit their details to the India Young Professional Scheme ballot and will only be invited to apply for the visa if their name is selected. Names will be chosen at random, and the ballot is free to enter.

Results will be sent to applicants within two weeks of the ballot’s closing. Those who are not successful in the February ballot can enter future ballots if they meet the requirements of the visa scheme.

Stage 2: The application stage

An applicant selected through the ballot will be invited to submit their visa application within 30 days of receiving their selection notification.

The applicant will be required to pay an application fee (currently £259) and an Immigration Health Surcharge fee (currently £954).

At the application stage, an applicant will be required to demonstrate their ability to meet the following educational and financial requirements:

  • The applicant must hold a UK bachelor’s degree certificate or equivalent. The college or university will be required to provide written confirmation that the applicant has completed their studies and graduated with the required qualification.
  • The applicant will have to provide evidence that they have savings of at least £2,530 which should have been available for at least 28 days in a row with day 28 being within 31days of applying for the visa.

In addition an applicant must also submit a police report or clearance certificate from India and also a negative tuberculosis test result for those who live in India or those who have been in India for 6 months or more preceding the date of application.

Guidance indicates that a decision is to be issued within 3 weeks of application being completed. It could take longer if:

  • supporting documents need to be verified;
  • an applicant is required to attend an interview; or
  • an applicant has a criminal conviction.

For further information on this scheme or UK visa applications, get in touch and we would be happy to help.

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