Last month, the UK Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) announced changes to its guidance on reporting of work-related accidents and incidents.

There have been no changes to the legal requirements on reporting but employers and others with reporting responsibilities should ensure that they are familiar with the updated guidance, which is intended to make it easier to understand when and how to submit a report under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR”).

RIDDOR requires employers, some self-employed people, and others in control of work premises to report all work-related deaths as well as certain work-related accidents, diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near-misses).

The main updates are:

Changes to guidance

  • More examples of types of reportable incidents are provided to make the decision on whether to report easier.
  • More guidance is given on who should report an incident.
  • More guidance is given on what constitutes a “reportable injury”, a “reportable accident” and a “work-related accident”.
  • Clearer guidance on when an occupational disease is not reportable.
  • More guidance on what constitutes an over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker.

Changes to reporting forms

The reporting forms have been updated to make them more user-friendly and to redirect the user with pop-up messages if the incident is not reportable. There are also more targeted questions on the severity of incidents so reporting decisions can be made more quickly and efficiently.

HSE uses the data submitted by duty holders through RIDDOR to track any trends or frequency of incidents and to make decisions on whether to investigate and enforce any breaches of health and safety law. Failure to report a reportable injury, dangerous occurrence, or disease under RIDDOR is a criminal offence which may lead to prosecution resulting in criminal fines and/or imprisonment.

If you have any queries or concerns about your reporting obligations or about health and safety issues in general do not hesitate to contact a member of the Burness Paull team.

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