We’re committed to providing a healthy, safe and positive working environment where our colleagues can all succeed and so to start the year off well, we held Burness Paull’s first Wellbeing Month.
The first month of 2023 saw colleagues across the firm get involved in a number of initiatives, all aimed at having a positive impact on mental and physical health.
We challenged each office to have someone take part in 30 minutes of exercise a day, with the Burness Paull Foundation making a donation for every person who took part. Each office stepped up to the challenge and we raised funds for VSA (Aberdeen), B Health Together (Edinburgh) and The Beatson Cancer Charity (Glasgow). We also organised Time to Talk walks with colleagues, getting a breath of fresh air and our step count up over lunchtime.
Recognising the importance of diet and good nutrition for wellbeing, we invited celebrity chef Nick Nairn to host a live cookalong for colleagues, where we made a delicious vegan curry which Nick created especially for Burness Paull. You can find the recipe here. Nick very kindly gave up his time in return for donation to Homeless Project Scotland.
We want our colleagues to all feel supported both in and out of work and we offer a range of employee wellbeing resources including trained mental health first aiders, an Employee Assistance Programme and services through external healthcare providers. During Wellbeing Month we launched access to confidential one-to-one counselling and emotional wellbeing support sessions for colleagues through Wellbeing Partners.
The importance of good mental health support was further highlighted through a talk from the inspirational Joshi Project, an organisation set up to establish the “Trieste model” of mental health care in Scotland. Find out more about them here.
And finally, extending January slightly to include the British Heart Foundation’s Wear Red to Work Day, the Burness Paull Foundation made a donation for each colleague who took part and wore red to work, recognising the fantastic work the charity do to promote heart health.
While January was a month raising awareness of the importance of wellbeing, this is something we are committed to improving all year round, and so is just part of our ongoing health and wellbeing initiatives to support our people and wider communities.

Emma Smith
Inclusion & Wellbeing Manager
Responsible Business
Emma is the Inclusion & Wellbeing manager and leads on diversity and inclusion, as well as employee health and wellbeing across the firm.