Supporting the international ambitions of our clients around the globe.

Internationally, Burness Paull is known as the go-to Scottish law firm.

But the ambitions of many of our clients go far beyond our home jurisdictions of Scotland and England, and we support them wherever they do business around the globe.

Many of our teams regularly help our clients on cross-border transactions and projects, and our specialist lawyers are well versed in the specific challenges this brings.

Our ability to help clients globally is underpinned by our close working relationships with elite law firms in other jurisdictions; firms which share our values and standards. We form bespoke teams for each client or transaction, selecting the best local law firm partners for a particular mandate, and ensuring these firms have the most appropriate skills and strengths for the specific project.

Many of those firms are ones we work with regularly, meaning that our teams act together as one. Wherever possible, we ensure that our clients have the option of having one point of contact, with us, no matter how many jurisdictions are involved.

We are members of two international alliances of independent law firms, which connects us directly to their members firms around the world, many of whom are the leading firm in their home jurisdiction.  The two alliances are:

  • Lex Mundi - the world's network of leading independent law firms;
  • TAG Law - part of TAG Alliances, one of the largest multidisciplinary alliances in the world.

Our International Committee is ultimately responsible for managing our relationships with firms in other jurisdictions and ensuring clients receive outstanding service wherever they’re doing business. For certain countries where we have close ties or do business most often, we have a team dedicated to developing relationships with that jurisdiction’s leading legal advisors.

To aid businesses who are considering expanding into our home jurisdictions of Scotland and England, we also offer comprehensive guides on doing business in Scotland and the UK, equipping clients with the insights needed to navigate the local legal landscape. 

If you would like to discuss how we can help your international ambitions please get in touch with your usual Burness Paull contact, or with any member of the International Committee.

Key Contacts

Peter Lawson Web V2

Peter Lawson


Corporate and M&A +44 (0)131 473 6108

Get in touch
Tamar Tammes

Tamar Tammes

Head of International Growth

International Services +44 (0)131 473 6169

Get in touch



Guide: Doing business in the UK

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Doing Business In Scotland Edited

Guide: Doing business in Scotland

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